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50 shades of Tend


Since I had to choose a nickname for the first time, I’ve always used Erne. Not very original perhaps, but very practical. On September 1, 2016, at least according to the name history of the Steam profile, after sufficient consideration, I decided to change my nickname to Tend, with a profile picture to match. From that moment on I have always used this name or its variant, TendTo, in every situation and now I am very fond of it, to the point that I don’t think I will change it in the future.

What I like about this username, in addition to having only 4 letters and being very easy to read, are the many meanings that I have been able to attribute to it. First of all, it is the English verb To Tend, to indicate our tendency to reach something, without necessarily really succeeding. In fact, the logo just tries to mimic the asymptotes of a function, which tend to a value xx, without ever touching it. It can also be easily Italianized into Tenda, which is always a plus. But above all it is easy to build acrostics on it, even meaningful ones.

Here are some that I particularly like:
