My name is Ernesto Casablanca and I’m passionate about videogames and computer science.
This little project will be an outlet for my thoughts, and I’ll throw random things into it in no particular order.
Although I have been trying for some time to accumulate and make my various productions and thoughts easily accessible to me in the first place, until now my effort has been limited to a few documents on Google Drive or a few notes on Google Keep.
The fact is that I consider myself an avid thinker, and often, starting from a topic, I try to dissect it until I find an absolute law that summarizes my behavior and my vision of that particular topic, looking for any contradictions with other laws enunciated previously. But I find it a bit of a waste to let all these reflections end up in oblivion, as it has happened in most cases so far.
This project therefore has the primary purpose of being an organized and easily accessible record of all my thoughts, opinions, emotions and productions now sealed in the past. In short, all this that I may have forgotten or not remember as sharply as when I experienced them firsthand.
I hope you don’t mind the mess.
Portfolio of some of my most significant projects.
Personal Git-hub projects
- A* Pathfinding Algorithm
- Ciccione bot
- Sphinx doc
- Meme bot
- Approssimatore di funzione
- Mandelbrot set CUDA
- Typescript AWS Lambda template
Git-hub projects for UNICT-DMI
- DMI Insider newsgen bot
- Telegram SpottedDMI bot
- Progetto Ingegneria del Software
- RNG visualizer
- Rally championship manager
- Linear system solver
- Dotingestion 2
- Whale watch
- EW showcase
- Exam Manager
- EW DER simulator
- Appunti Blockchain
- Computer Security
- Id based Proxy Signature Scheme with Message Recovery Public
- Quantum random walk simulation
- ns3 Tahoe vs. Reno
- Tutorato Ingegneria del Software
- Tutorato Reti di Calcolatori
This project is inspired by the blog wok, made by my current GPGPU professor Giuseppe Bilotta.
Technical details
This site is built with Astro.
The theme in use is Astro Paper, that I further adapted to my needs.