Delta-complete SMT solver for linear programming
▼Ndlinear | Global namespace for the dlinear library |
▼Nmps | Namespace for the MPS parser of the dlinear library |
CMpsDriver | Brings together all components |
CMpsScanner | MpsScanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class |
▼Nonnx | Namespace for the ONNX parser of the dlinear library |
COnnxDriver | Reads the onnx file |
CTensor | |
▼Nqsopt_ex | |
CMpqArray | A wrapper around an array of mpq_t elements |
▼Nsmt2 | Namespace for the SMT2 parser of the dlinear library |
CFunctionDefinition | A new function defined by the user in the SMT2 language using the define-fun command |
CSmt2Driver | Brings together all components |
CSmt2Scanner | Smt2Scanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class |
CTerm | Generic term that can be either an expression or a formula |
▼Nvnnlib | Namespace for the VNNLIB parser of the dlinear library |
CFunctionDefinition | A new function defined by the user in the VNNLIB language using the define-fun command |
CTerm | Generic term that can be either an expression or a formula |
CVnnlibDriver | Brings together all components |
CVnnlibScanner | VnnlibScanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class |
CArgParser | Used to parse command line arguments and produce a corresponding Config object to be used throughout the execution |
CBitIncrementIterator | BitIncrementIterator class |
CBound | Tuple containing the value, bound type and theory literal associated with the bound |
▼CBoundImplicator | Use theory reasoning to add relations between literals using some simple theory inferences |
CConstraint | Constraint |
CBoundIterator | BoundIterator class |
CBoundPreprocessor | This class uses some basic algebraic operations to preprocess the constraints and identify violations before invoking the solver |
CBoundVector | Data structure to store the LP solver bounds in a sorted vector to determine the active lower and upper bound for the column |
CBox | Collection of variables with associated intervals |
CCadicalSatSolver | SAT solver based on CaDiCal |
▼CCompleteSoplexTheorySolver | Complete solver using SoPlex |
CNqExplanation | Structure used to store the infeasibility explanation of a subset of non-equal constraints |
CConfig | Simple dataclass used to store the configuration of the program |
▼CContext | Context class that holds the set of constraints and provide Assert/Push/Pop/CheckSat functionalities |
CImpl | The context juggles between the SAT solver and the theory solver, in order to produce a model |
CDeltaQsoptexTheorySolver | Delta complete solver using QSopt_ex |
CDeltaSoplexTheorySolver | Delta complete solver using SoPlex |
CDriver | The Driver is the base class for all the parsers |
CEdgeEqual_ | |
CExpressionEvaluator | Evaluate an expression with a given box |
CFormulaVisitor | This base class provides all the methods expected to visit the underlying formula and return a modified version |
CGenericExpressionVisitor | Generic expression visitor implementing the visitor pattern |
CGenericFormulaVisitor | Generic formula visitor implementing the visitor pattern |
CGraph | Graph class |
CIfThenElseEliminator | IfThenElseEliminator class |
CInfinity | Global class storing the infinity values for the different LP solvers |
CInterval | |
CIterationStats | Dataclass collecting statistics about some operation or process |
CLeakyReluConstraint | |
CLinearFormulaFlattener | Used by the PredicateAbstractor to ensure that all the theory literals are in the flattened standard form |
CLiteral | A literal is a variable with an associated truth value, indicating whether it is true or false |
CNaiveCnfizer | Transforms a symbolic formula f into a CNF formula by preserving its semantics |
CNnfizer | Implementation of NNF (Negation Normal Form) conversion |
▼CNNSoplexTheorySolver | Specialised theory solver for neural networks using SoPlex |
CPlConstraint | |
CNumericDataContainer | NumericDataContainer class |
COptionValue | Represents an optional value in dLinear |
CPicosatSatSolver | PicoSAT is a SAT solver written in C |
CPiecewiseLinearConstraint | A piecewise linear constraint is a constraint that assumes different linear functions depending on the truth assignment of a literal |
CPlaistedGreenbaumCnfizer | Plaisted-Greenbaum transformation is a method to convert a formula into an equi-satisfiable vector of formulae in CNF |
CPredicateAbstractor | Predicate abstraction is a method to convert a first-order logic formula into a Boolean formula |
CPrefixPrinter | Print expressions and formulas in prefix-form |
CQsoptexTheorySolver | QSopt_ex is an exact LP solver written in C |
CReluConstraint | A ReLU constraint is a kind of piecewise linear constraint |
CRoundingModeGuard | |
CSatSolver | Base class for SAT solvers |
CScopedUnorderedMap | |
CScopedUnorderedSet | |
CScopedVector | |
CSmtSolver | This class provides an easy interface for using the underling solver |
CSmtSolverOutput | Data struct containing the output of the solver, such as the result of the computation as well as some statistics |
CSoplexTheorySolver | SoPlex is an exact LP solver written in C++ |
CSortedVector | Vector that maintains its elements sorted |
CStats | Dataclass collecting statistics about some operation or process |
CTheorySolver | Base class for theory solvers |
CTimer | Timer class using the a steady clock |
CTimerBase | Simple timer class to evaluate the performance of the software |
CTimerGuard | The TimeGuard wraps a timer object and pauses it when the guard object is destructed |
CTseitinCnfizer | Tsietin transformation is a method to convert a formula into an equi-satisfiable vector of formulae in CNF |
Cuser_clock | |
CUserTimer | Timer class using the user_clock |
RIsAnyOf | Check if the type T is any of the types U |
RIsNotAnyOf | Check if the type T is not any of the types U |
RArithmetic | Check if the type T supports the arithmetic operations +, -, *, / |
RNumeric | Check if the type T supports the arithmetic operations +, -, *, / and the comparison operators <, >, <=, >= |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Cequal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression > | |
Cequal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula > | |
Cequal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable > | |
Chash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression > | |
Chash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula > | |
Chash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable > | |
Chash< mpq_class > | |
Cless< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression > | |
Cless< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula > | |
Cless< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable > | |
Cnumeric_limits< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression > | |
Nxt |