dlinear  0.0.1
Delta-complete SMT solver for linear programming
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NdlinearGlobal namespace for the dlinear library
 NmpsNamespace for the MPS parser of the dlinear library
 CMpsDriverBrings together all components
 CMpsScannerMpsScanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class
 NonnxNamespace for the ONNX parser of the dlinear library
 COnnxDriverReads the onnx file
 CMpqArrayA wrapper around an array of mpq_t elements
 Nsmt2Namespace for the SMT2 parser of the dlinear library
 CFunctionDefinitionA new function defined by the user in the SMT2 language using the define-fun command
 CSmt2DriverBrings together all components
 CSmt2ScannerSmt2Scanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class
 CTermGeneric term that can be either an expression or a formula
 NvnnlibNamespace for the VNNLIB parser of the dlinear library
 CFunctionDefinitionA new function defined by the user in the VNNLIB language using the define-fun command
 CTermGeneric term that can be either an expression or a formula
 CVnnlibDriverBrings together all components
 CVnnlibScannerVnnlibScanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class
 CArgParserUsed to parse command line arguments and produce a corresponding Config object to be used throughout the execution
 CBitIncrementIteratorBitIncrementIterator class
 CBoundTuple containing the value, bound type and theory literal associated with the bound
 CBoundImplicatorUse theory reasoning to add relations between literals using some simple theory inferences
 CBoundIteratorBoundIterator class
 CBoundPreprocessorThis class uses some basic algebraic operations to preprocess the constraints and identify violations before invoking the solver
 CBoundVectorData structure to store the LP solver bounds in a sorted vector to determine the active lower and upper bound for the column
 CBoxCollection of variables with associated intervals
 CCadicalSatSolverSAT solver based on CaDiCal
 CCompleteSoplexTheorySolverComplete solver using SoPlex
 CNqExplanationStructure used to store the infeasibility explanation of a subset of non-equal constraints
 CConfigSimple dataclass used to store the configuration of the program
 CContextContext class that holds the set of constraints and provide Assert/Push/Pop/CheckSat functionalities
 CImplThe context juggles between the SAT solver and the theory solver, in order to produce a model
 CDeltaQsoptexTheorySolverDelta complete solver using QSopt_ex
 CDeltaSoplexTheorySolverDelta complete solver using SoPlex
 CDriverThe Driver is the base class for all the parsers
 CExpressionEvaluatorEvaluate an expression with a given box
 CFormulaVisitorThis base class provides all the methods expected to visit the underlying formula and return a modified version
 CGenericExpressionVisitorGeneric expression visitor implementing the visitor pattern
 CGenericFormulaVisitorGeneric formula visitor implementing the visitor pattern
 CGraphGraph class
 CIfThenElseEliminatorIfThenElseEliminator class
 CInfinityGlobal class storing the infinity values for the different LP solvers
 CIterationStatsDataclass collecting statistics about some operation or process
 CLinearFormulaFlattenerUsed by the PredicateAbstractor to ensure that all the theory literals are in the flattened standard form
 CLiteralA literal is a variable with an associated truth value, indicating whether it is true or false
 CNaiveCnfizerTransforms a symbolic formula f into a CNF formula by preserving its semantics
 CNnfizerImplementation of NNF (Negation Normal Form) conversion
 CNNSoplexTheorySolverSpecialised theory solver for neural networks using SoPlex
 CNumericDataContainerNumericDataContainer class
 COptionValueRepresents an optional value in dLinear
 CPicosatSatSolverPicoSAT is a SAT solver written in C
 CPiecewiseLinearConstraintA piecewise linear constraint is a constraint that assumes different linear functions depending on the truth assignment of a literal
 CPlaistedGreenbaumCnfizerPlaisted-Greenbaum transformation is a method to convert a formula into an equi-satisfiable vector of formulae in CNF
 CPredicateAbstractorPredicate abstraction is a method to convert a first-order logic formula into a Boolean formula
 CPrefixPrinterPrint expressions and formulas in prefix-form
 CQsoptexTheorySolverQSopt_ex is an exact LP solver written in C
 CReluConstraintA ReLU constraint is a kind of piecewise linear constraint
 CSatSolverBase class for SAT solvers
 CSmtSolverThis class provides an easy interface for using the underling solver
 CSmtSolverOutputData struct containing the output of the solver, such as the result of the computation as well as some statistics
 CSoplexTheorySolverSoPlex is an exact LP solver written in C++
 CSortedVectorVector that maintains its elements sorted
 CStatsDataclass collecting statistics about some operation or process
 CTheorySolverBase class for theory solvers
 CTimerTimer class using the a steady clock
 CTimerBaseSimple timer class to evaluate the performance of the software
 CTimerGuardThe TimeGuard wraps a timer object and pauses it when the guard object is destructed
 CTseitinCnfizerTsietin transformation is a method to convert a formula into an equi-satisfiable vector of formulae in CNF
 CUserTimerTimer class using the user_clock
 RIsAnyOfCheck if the type T is any of the types U
 RIsNotAnyOfCheck if the type T is not any of the types U
 RArithmeticCheck if the type T supports the arithmetic operations +, -, *, /
 RNumericCheck if the type T supports the arithmetic operations +, -, *, / and the comparison operators <, >, <=, >=
 NstdSTL namespace
 Cequal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cequal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cequal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Chash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Chash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Chash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Chash< mpq_class >
 Cless< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cless< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cless< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Cnumeric_limits< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >