dlinear  0.0.1
Delta-complete SMT solver for linear programming
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cdlinear::ArgParserUsed to parse command line arguments and produce a corresponding Config object to be used throughout the execution
 Cdlinear::BitIncrementIteratorBitIncrementIterator class
 Cdlinear::BoundTuple containing the value, bound type and theory literal associated with the bound
 Cdlinear::BoundImplicatorUse theory reasoning to add relations between literals using some simple theory inferences
 Cdlinear::BoundIteratorBoundIterator class
 Cdlinear::BoundPreprocessorThis class uses some basic algebraic operations to preprocess the constraints and identify violations before invoking the solver
 Cdlinear::BoundVectorData structure to store the LP solver bounds in a sorted vector to determine the active lower and upper bound for the column
 Cdlinear::BoxCollection of variables with associated intervals
 Cdlinear::ConfigSimple dataclass used to store the configuration of the program
 Cdlinear::ContextContext class that holds the set of constraints and provide Assert/Push/Pop/CheckSat functionalities
 Cdlinear::DriverThe Driver is the base class for all the parsers
 Cdlinear::EdgeEqual_< T, W >
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::EnvironmentRepresents a symbolic environment (mapping from a variable to a value)
 Cstd::equal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cstd::equal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cstd::equal_to< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::ExpressionRepresents a symbolic form of an expression
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::ExpressionAddFactoryFactory class to help build ExpressionAdd expressions
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::ExpressionCellRepresents an abstract class which is the base of concrete symbolic-expression classes
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::ExpressionMulFactoryFactory class to help build ExpressionMul expressions
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::FormulaRepresents a symbolic form of a first-order logic formula
 Cdlinear::smt2::FunctionDefinitionA new function defined by the user in the SMT2 language using the define-fun command
 Cdlinear::vnnlib::FunctionDefinitionA new function defined by the user in the VNNLIB language using the define-fun command
 Cdlinear::GenericExpressionVisitor< Result, Args >Generic expression visitor implementing the visitor pattern
 Cdlinear::GenericExpressionVisitor< Expression, const Formula & >
 Cdlinear::GenericExpressionVisitor< Interval, const Box & >
 Cdlinear::GenericExpressionVisitor< std::ostream & >
 Cdlinear::GenericFormulaVisitor< Result, Args >Generic formula visitor implementing the visitor pattern
 Cdlinear::GenericFormulaVisitor< Formula, Args... >
 Cdlinear::GenericFormulaVisitor< std::ostream & >
 Cdlinear::Graph< T, W, EdgeHash, EdgeEqual >Graph class
 Cstd::hash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cstd::hash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cstd::hash< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Cstd::hash< mpq_class >
 Cdlinear::drake::hash_value< T >Computes the hash value of v using std::hash
 Cdlinear::drake::hash_value< std::map< T1, T2 > >Computes the hash value of a map map
 Cdlinear::drake::hash_value< std::pair< T1, T2 > >Computes the hash value of a pair p
 Cdlinear::drake::hash_value< std::set< T > >Computes the hash value of a set s
 Cdlinear::drake::hash_value< std::vector< T > >Computes the hash value of a vector vec
 Cdlinear::drake::hash_value< symbolic::Variables >Computes the hash value of a symbolic variables
 Cdlinear::Context::ImplThe context juggles between the SAT solver and the theory solver, in order to produce a model
 Cdlinear::InfinityGlobal class storing the infinity values for the different LP solvers
 Cstd::less< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cstd::less< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cstd::less< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Cdlinear::LinearFormulaFlattenerUsed by the PredicateAbstractor to ensure that all the theory literals are in the flattened standard form
 Cdlinear::LiteralA literal is a variable with an associated truth value, indicating whether it is true or false
 Cdlinear::qsopt_ex::MpqArrayA wrapper around an array of mpq_t elements
 Cdlinear::CompleteSoplexTheorySolver::NqExplanationStructure used to store the infeasibility explanation of a subset of non-equal constraints
 Cdlinear::NumericDataContainer< N, D >NumericDataContainer class
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< T >Represents an optional value in dLinear
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< bool >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< BoundPropagationType >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< double >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< Format >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< int >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< LPMode >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< LPSolver >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< PreprocessingRunningFrequency >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< SatDefaultPhase >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< SatSolver >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< std::string >
 Cdlinear::OptionValue< unsigned int >
 Cdlinear::PiecewiseLinearConstraintA piecewise linear constraint is a constraint that assumes different linear functions depending on the truth assignment of a literal
 Cdlinear::SatSolverBase class for SAT solvers
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< int, dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< std::string, dlinear::drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< std::string, dlinear::drake::symbolic::Variable >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< std::string, dlinear::smt2::FunctionDefinition >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< std::string, dlinear::vnnlib::FunctionDefinition >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedMap< Variable::Id, int >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedSet< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >
 Cdlinear::ScopedUnorderedSet< Variable::Id >
 Cdlinear::ScopedVector< T >
 Cdlinear::ScopedVector< dlinear::Box >
 Cdlinear::ScopedVector< dlinear::drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cdlinear::SmtSolverThis class provides an easy interface for using the underling solver
 Cdlinear::SmtSolverOutputData struct containing the output of the solver, such as the result of the computation as well as some statistics
 Cdlinear::SortedVector< T, Compare >Vector that maintains its elements sorted
 Cdlinear::SortedVector< Bound >
 Cdlinear::SortedVector< dlinear::BoundImplicator::Constraint >
 Cdlinear::StatsDataclass collecting statistics about some operation or process
 Cdlinear::smt2::TermGeneric term that can be either an expression or a formula
 Cdlinear::vnnlib::TermGeneric term that can be either an expression or a formula
 Cdlinear::TheorySolverBase class for theory solvers
 Cdlinear::TimerBase< T >Simple timer class to evaluate the performance of the software
 Cdlinear::TimerBase< chosen_steady_clock >
 Cdlinear::TimerBase< user_clock >
 Cdlinear::TimerGuardThe TimeGuard wraps a timer object and pauses it when the guard object is destructed
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::VariableRepresents a symbolic variable
 Cdlinear::drake::symbolic::VariablesRepresents a set of variables