94std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
const LpColBound &bound);
100#include "dlinear/util/logging.h"
Global namespace for the dlinear library.
LpColBound parseLpBound(char bound)
Parse the bound from a character.
LpColBound operator~(LpColBound bound)
Relax the bound.
LpColBound invert(LpColBound bound, bool delta)
Invert the bound.
char toChar(LpColBound bound)
Convert the bound to a character.
LpColBound operator!(LpColBound bound)
Invert the bound with delta == 0.
LpColBound relax(LpColBound bound)
Relax the bound.
Describe the bound of a linear program variable.
@ B
Both upper and lower bound are equal (fixed)
@ D
Variable must be different from the bound.
LpColBound operator-(LpColBound bound)
Invert the bound with delta > 0.