An exact complete or delta-complete solver
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Delta-complete SMT solver for linear programming. Fork of dlinear4 and dReal4.


The following instructions are for Linux systems. The installation process for Windows and MacOS is not yet supported. For more information, refer to the installation guide.

bazel build //:package_deb
sudo dpkg -i bazel-bin/dlinear/dlinear.deb


For more information, refer to the usage guide.

dlinear --help

Default parsing and solving behavior

dlinear will parse and solve problems in smt2 or mps format. The default behavior is to parse the input and produce a satisfiability result, either delta-sat or unsat.

Some smt directives will be ignored, since their role is taken by the command line flags:

  • (check-sat) is assumed to be present by default. It can be disabled with --no-check-sat
  • (produce-models) is ignored by default. It can be enabled with -m/--produce-models
  • (minimize)/(maximize) are ignored by default. They can be enabled with -m/--produce-models

    This also implies that, when parsing a mps file, the objective function is ignored, unless the -m/--produce-models flag is used.

Useful commands

# Compile dlinear
bazel build //dlinear
# Run dlinear
# CPPlint
bazel test //dlinear/...
# Run dlinear unit tests
bazel test --test_tag_filters=dlinear //test/...
# Run dlinear integration tests by solving a bunch of problems
# and confronting the results with the expected ones
bazel test --test_tag_filters=solver //test/...
# Run linting
bazel test --test_tag_filters=cpplint //dlinear/...
# Run pydlinear tests
bazel test --test_tag_filters=pydlinear //pydlinear/...
# Run benchmarks
bazel run //benchmark

Compilation flags

  • --//tools:enable_dynamic_build=[True|False] to enable or disable dynamic linking. Used for the python bindings. Default is False

Enabling autocompletion

On Ubuntu

# Install bash-completion
sudo apt install bash-completion
# Move the completion script to the bash-completion directory
sudo cp script/dlinear_completion.sh /etc/bash_completion.d/dlinear.sh

Install Python bindings



pip install .
# For development
pip install -e .

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Running dlinear from Python

If the package has been installed, either locally or from PyPI, it can be invoked with the same command as the binary.

pydlinear --help

Furthermore, the pydlinear module can be imported and used as a library.

import sys
import pydlinear as pdl
def main():
config = pdl.Config.from_command_line(sys.argv)
with pdl.Solver(config) as s:
if __name__ == "__main__":